The SERVO makes it possible for wheelchair users with reduced strength to move independently and increase their range of action.
Its standard program to drive uphill and downhill as well as its intelligent braking function make driving safely up and downhill feasible. The working concept of the SERVO combines physical power and active mobility.
High-capacity motors, discreetly blending into the wheels, support the wheelchair user’s initial movement. The wheelchair user’s impulses on the gripping rings are registered and put into motion due to the newly developed, intelligent sensor system. The gearless SERVO initiates an entirely new driving feeling without making noise. While it relieves joints and muscles. The SERVO – powered wheels are disengaged easily and without tools. Each foldable wheelchair with attached SERVO may be folded as before. Due to the SERVO’s new wheel mounting system, NUI, the powered wheels are easily stored next to or on top of each other.
• Battery range over 55km
• NUI – New mounting and locking
• system of the powered wheels
• Powered wheels without stud axles